The zip code 63126 is located in county Missouri. There are approximately 15,112 people living in zip code 63126. They make up households. The average income per household in the 63126 zip code is $69,024. The median age of the residents is 45 years old (which is 42 years old for males and 47 years old for females).
Crestwood Missouri Swimclub Link
Crestwood Court Mall-CLOSED Link
Grant's Trail Link
Crestwood Missouri Swimclub Link
Grant's Trail-a biking trail in South St Louis County Link
Historic Landmark-Thomas Sappington House, built 1808 Link
The Historic Thomas Sappington House Link
Crestwood Missouri City Hall Link
Lindbergh High School Link
Lindbergh High School Link
Crestwood Missouri Government Center Link
Crestwood Missouri City Hall Link
Crestwood Missouri, Grant's Trail, Lindbergh High School, Thomas Sappington Historic House, US Post Office-Crestwood Plaza Store, US Post Office-Sappington Branch,